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Business Directory


Aber Diamonds

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

Aboriginal Diamonds Group

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Aboriginal Organizations, Diamonds

Akita Equtak Drilling Ltd

Inuvik, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Drilling Services, Mining

Akita Sahtu Drilling

Norman Wells, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Arslanian Cutting Works NWT Ltd

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

Ashton Mining of Canada Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Barren Lands Exploration Services Ltd

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Canada Dene Diamonds Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

Canadian Diamond Consultants Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Consulting Services, Diamonds

Connors Drilling Ltd

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Darnley Bay Resources

Paulatuk, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Diamonds, Mining

Darnley Bay Resources

Paulatuk, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Diamonds, Mining

De Beers Canada Mining Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

DeBeers Canada Mining

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

Dia Met Minerals Ltd

Kelowna, BC - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Diamonds International Canada (Dican) Ltd

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

Diavik Diamond Mines Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Discovery Mining Service

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

Ek'ati Services

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Catering Services, Diamonds

Emary Drilling and Exploration Ltd

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

Embee Diamond Technologies Inc

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds

G G L Diamond Corp

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Mining

J T Thomas Diamond Drilling (Cellular 800) LTD

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Drilling Services

Jamorah Diamonds

Yellowknife, NT - view map

category: Diamonds, Jewellery Sales

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