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For Sale > General Items > Sports, bikes

Ad Number: 229356

Location: Yellowknife, NT

Posted: Aug 12th 2024 at 9:56am

M712 Full-Auto Airsoft Gun Full Metal

The KWC M712 is one solid pistol capable of shooting with speed and a kick that will shock you to your core. Modeled after the Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer, this pistol is authentically built with an all-metal construction including the adjustable rear sight, trigger, hammer, full size detachable magazine, safety, and magazine release. It also features a selectable semi-auto and full-auto functionality with snappy blowback action. Collectors know that this is a must-have of the classic World War II Broomhandle pistol. Only used a couple of times comes with extra mag and in box

Price: $ 250.00 or best offer

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